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Getting Your Bird Back to Nature
12 - 36 months and
30 months to school age
Sitka And Sparrow
Early Education
Gillybird Nature Schools
Nature Programming
There are way too many to list them all, but here are a few ways your bub will be growing their brains! Some of these activities will be taught indoors, but many will be incorporated in to the daily play and walks! Lessons will not be taught in a formal way, but rather we will be learning through songs, stories and hands on activities!
Letters and numbers
Natural Elements
crafts out of twigs/rocks/mud/flowers
Counting songs, poems and art
counting rocks, bugs, etc
Colour songs, poems and art
Shapes identification
Nature games
Growing plants
Weather crafts and experiments
Holiday crafts....ANY holiday you celebrate!
Emotional and Social development are at the very core of our philosophy
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