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We believe that children thrive in an environment that is secure, predictable, nurturing and supportive. We believe it is important to set realistic expectations and limits for young children to ensure the safety of each child; the protection of his/her rights and those of other; and the protection of property. When a child exceeds the limits, we guide in a manner that is firm, positive and still maintains the child’s self-respect. Sometimes experiencing the consequences of his/her actions can be learning experience for a child. Giving choices or redirection when a child’s behavior is inappropriate can be used to avoid uncontrollable misbehavior. We will strive to help the children solve their own problems. We acknowledge the child’s feelings and help him/her to be considerate of the feelings of others.


Discipline is something adults do with and for children, rather than something they do to children. The intentions is to help children become self disciplined as they learn appropriate and acceptable behavior

We will accomplish this by:

Providing an aesthetic, adequately size, organized, play space which will allow children to play in a relaxed manner and avoid conflicts which may arise from crowded play areas or areas designated for adults


  • Following a flexible routine so that children gain trust and security

  • Providing a variety of toys, which will stimulate cognitive, physical and emotional growth

  • Approaching children individually, establishing eye contact and using a clam controlled voice

  • Recognizing a child’s feelings before discussing behavioral limits

  • Focusing on the child’s behavior rather than the child Ignoring minor incidents

  • Discussing acceptable behavior and setting limits at a level children understand

  • Using positive reinforcement in words and actions, focusing on what to do rather than what not to do. Encouraging caring and cooperative relationships

  • Allowing children to make choices where applicable

  • Reminding children of limits, as they have short memories and are easily distracted

  • Diverting a child’s interest when necessary

  • Assisting children to solve problems

  • Giving a warning cue that will indicate a coming change in activities

  • Using logical consequences (ex if a child spills milk he/she will be expected to wipe it up)

  • Removing offending toys when necessary

  • Using a 'time-in' (asking the child to sit with an educator until they are willing to return to play safely)


Note: We do not practice corporal punishment (clapping, shaking, spanking, etc) at this center. We believe in a positive approach to child rearing. We do not humiliate, confine or deprive children from meals, snacks or toilet uses as a form of discipline.

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