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Covid Policy


Please take the time review these guidelines regarding


1. Expectations of children while at daycare

2. Physical Distancing and Minimizing Physical Contact

3. What children should bring to care

4. Arriving / drop off at school

5. Leaving / pick up from school

6. Washrooms

8. Hand Hygiene and Hand Washing

9. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)



All parents and caregivers have the responsibility to assess their children daily for symptoms of COVID-19, the common cold, influenza or other respiratory infectious diseases before sending them to school. Staff may take each child or parent’s temperature with a non invasive thermometer at drop off at the description of the provider. This may change daily or weekly, dependent on the Covid numbers on Vancouver Island or within the province.

Any children who has or displays symptoms of COVID-19 or the common cold, influenza or other infections respiratory diseases must stay home and contact 811, a family physician or nurse practitioner to assess their symptoms and receive advice on next steps before they can return to preschool. Children who display symptoms while in care will be immediately removed from the group and isolated in a nap room until a caregiver can take them home. Children will be required to stay home for a minimum of 48 hours, to a maximum of 14 days dependent on symptoms and may require a dr’s note or confirmed negative Covid test to return.


Specific Symptoms to exclude child from care:

  • Watery bowel movement 

  • Vomiting

  • Fever

  • Runny nose (still running after wiping)

  • Cough/rattley breathing 


Physical Distancing and Minimizing Physical Contact as acknowledged in the Ministry of Education and BC CDC Guidance documents for Daycare settings: 

Physical distancing is challenging in a daycare or preschool setting. It is reasonable to establish different expectations for varying age levels and activities. Younger children will be supported to have maximized individual play and less physical contact with one another, while recognizing that it is essential to the development and growth of the child to engage emotionally and physically in our program. 


Children will at times find themselves naturally within two meters of each other; this is how they have learned to engage with their friends and the world around them. Children may receive reminders from staff, who will be implementing strategies to minimize physical contact throughout the day such as:

• regular reminders to students to ‘keep their hands to themselves’ and ‘respect personal space or bubble’

• discouraging close greetings such as hugs, handshakes and high fives

• using different classroom configurations to allow distance between children

• utilizing outdoor learning spaces as much as possible

• incorporating more individual activities that promote space between children 

• reducing shared items in the center 

• increasing the space between children during rest time and at snack tables 

• children will not be able to share food or partake in any family style eating at this time


What children should bring to Gillybird

Children are encouraged to bring only items that will fit easily into their backpack or cubby. Items to include: 

• Lunch and snack

• Containers and packages that students can open independently as much as possible

• Water bottle to be left at center 

• Clothes, hats and shoes to be outside depending on the weather (to be left at center)


Arriving / Drop off  

• Families must designate a single adult for pick ups and drop offs. If this adult is experiencing respiratory symptoms or a fever, please call and arrange an alternate pick up on your child's registration form. If you require two adults in the case of custody agreements you must discuss this with the manager. 

• Families will be asked to stagger drop off times. We will be assessing in June how capable we are at dealing with multiple children being dropped off at the same time and how we will minimize contact between parents at that time. Please be advised that you may be assigned a window of 5-10 minute increments for drop off and pick up.

• Before entering, parents and children must be screened by a staff member by answering Island Health’s recommended questions regarding health and travel. Parents and children will also wash their hands or use hand sanitizer brought from home before entering the building. 

• Parents are to wait outside the center and not to come into the building to drop off or pick up their child unless approved by staff. Weather permitting, we will do all drop off and pick ups outside. 

• Parents must apply sunscreen to their child/children each day before drop off. Staff will only reapply in the afternoon at the direct request of parents to minimize contact with multiple children. 

• Teachers will ask children and parents each day whether they are sick or healthy. Children who have or display symptoms of COVID-19 or the common cold, influenza or other infections respiratory diseases will be asked to return home with their parent/guardian, or will be called to be picked up.


Leaving / Pick up from Care

• Students are to be picked up from the center in the yard. Backpacks and lunch kits will be ready to go and outside so parents will not need to enter the building. 

• It is important that parents are on time for pick up/dismissal.

• Parents must use hand sanitizer or wash hands before entering the gate. Please keep sanitation supplies in your car.


Communication with Gill 

• Whenever possible, texts are the preferred method to contact me at this time. Feel free to email if you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss any questions or concerns.



• Children will use the washroom one at a time with a limited amount of children waiting outside the washroom for their turn.

• Children will be expected to wash their hands after using the washroom 

• As per Provincial Guidelines washrooms and other high touch surfaces will be cleaned at least two times per day

• Toys will be sprayed or cleaned at least two times per day

• All cloths and bedding will be washed a minimum of twice per week. Parents are welcome to take bedding home to wash daily if they wish. 

Hand Hygiene and Hand Washing Expectations 

• Rigorous hand washing with plain soap and water is the most effective way to reduce the spread of illness.

• Hand washing opportunities will be incorporated into daily routines.

• Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds,

• Wash hands when arriving to the center 

• Wash hands before and after eating

• Wash hands after touching common resources and surfaces

• Wash hands after sneezing or coughing into hands

• Wash hands when visibly dirty.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) 

While the wearing of a mask was recently recommended by Health Canada in environments where physically distancing is not always possible, it is currently not mandatory for staff or students to wear masks to return to daycare. Staff may wear masks and gloves when providing first aid to children during the day.


The Gillybird Nature School Return-to-School Guidelines- September 2020 will be updated as necessary. Changes and updates will be communicated to families as they become available. If you  have any questions, please contact me.


For further information please go the Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for Daycare Settings.


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